Use this email template to create your very own alleycat adventure (with the help of your friends).

Need inspo? Check out our list of alleycats for you to try!

Cover image by Samuel Willis

This template is here for you to copy, paste, edit and send. You are welcome in all ways to make it your own. Delete what you don’t like, add whatever you want, send it to 100 friends, sent it to 2. Make your parameters cross-continental! We don’t care! At the end of the day, this is about you making something special with your friends and family. This template is just the starting point for you to make your own adventure. Enjoy.


Subject: Make Me an Alleycat


I am asking [10 (OR YOUR CHOICE # of)] people (including you) to Make Me an Alleycat! Make Me an Alleycat is a digital community arts project that invites us to share stories and locations during a time of social distancing, created by Keshia Palm with wheels from Claren Grosz. Alleycat races are unsanctioned bicycle races that involve checkpoints and sometimes tasks. Make Me an Alleycat keeps most elements of the alleycat, throws in storytelling, and scraps the race part.

Together, we will make me a personalized [BIKE/WALKING/SCOOTER/ETC] route that will be shared with you, and — optionally — on Make Me An Alleycat. You can also check out Make Me An Alleycat for other Alleycats in your area! 

Your Tasks:

  1. Choose a location that means a lot to you and that you feel like sharing with me. This location will become a checkpoint on my Alleycat. Please pick a location South of [______], West of [_______], North of [_______] and East of [_______]. 

  2. Record a voice memo anywhere between 30sec-5min telling me a story about this place.

  3. Send me the location and voice memo in an email by [CHOOSE YOUR DEADLINE].

  4. (Let me know if you do not want your location/voice memo shared with others). I can definitely have secret just-for-me checkpoints if you want to keep it intimate. 

My Tasks:

  1. I will create a manifest (alleycat lingo for a list of checkpoints) based on the locations and a playlist with the voice memos based on the location order.

  2. I will share the manifest and playlist with you to try on your own time!

  3. Let’s go for a ride! On [PICK A DATE], I will bike to each checkpoint and listen to the corresponding voice memo at each stop. I will not listen to them beforehand, so each story will be a surprise where I get to “share” a moment with each of you. I’ll also be documenting the journey using the hashtags #MakeMeAnAlleycat #ArtApart on social media.

With your permission, our community-built manifest will be uploaded and shared on Make Me An Alleycat — along with other Alleycats that have been created just like this one — for anyone to try. Let me know if you are into that.

The Practical Stuff:

Please send me your location and voice memo by [ONE WEEK BEFORE YOUR ALLEYCAT DATE] so that I have some time to put it all together and send it back out to you before [YOUR ALLEYCAT DATE].

PS: This is supposed to be exciting and fun - not homework or a source of pressure. Do it if you feel like it, and if you don’t, don’t. If you feel weird, sad or stressed about it, don’t do it. Prioritize your health, happiness and comfort during this strange time.

PPS: Want to Make Your Own Alleycat? Head to Make Me An Alleycat for an email template and step-by-step instructions on how to create and share your very own manifest.  

Thanks! Can’t wait to go on a journey with you.



After your Email

Head to Make Me An Alleycat for some FAQ’s and tips on how to share your alleycat with friends and family.

Consider making a donation to support Make Me An Alleycat. Your gift supports hosting fees for Squarespace and Soundcloud, and regular monitoring of the Make Me An Alleycat email address and website, including uploading new alleycat submissions from across Canada so you can keep exploring!

 Ready to roll?

Submit your manifest or explore other journey’s into secret worlds.

Image by Samuel Willis